Hump Day Happiness

April 15, 2020

Hello Friends – It’s Hump Day !!!

As we intentionally focus more on positivity, kindness, and gratitude during this weird and challenging time of social distancing, I thought I would share 5 simple things that are bringing me happiness this week πŸ™‚

They are in no particular order –

  1. Honey Nut Cheerios and sliced bananas – Cheerios are gluten-free (YAY!) and since I’m taking a short break from my Keto diet, this bowl of sweet deliciousness tasted amazing and seemed pretty healthy. I’ve been on Keto since last September so I ate the entire box in 5 days.
  2. Time to be creative – I usually feel guilty playing with my art supplies when I have a full β€œTO DO” list looming over me, so I choose to look on the bright side of #stayhome and relish the extra time for creativity. Playing with paint is good for the soul.
  3. The smell of Easter flowers – While Easter 2020 was not what I hoped it would be, the smell of hyacinths always takes me back to my childhood. It might be my #1 favorite smell in the world.
  4. Pumpkin coffee – A hot cup of creamy pumpkin coffee is so soothing to me. It smells amazing and tastes like dessert. (Special thanks to Amazon for ensuring I have a steady supply year-round).
  5. Spending extra time with my amazing husband – Enough said πŸ™‚

I would love to know what is bringing you happiness this week. Feel free to share your list in the comments below.

Until next week, stay safe, and keep looking for the goodness around you.

Denise πŸ™‚

Share the Goodness :-)